Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Meet Gorilla, Schwarzhaus' latest pet (Well technically he should be Fraser's pet cause no one else will come near him unless he's tightly sealed in plastic).

There's a dead spider, by the door, that's as big as Gorilla. (It's there cause Paulo sprayed it till it died -so yes it's been there a week) I came home last night and thought Fraser had been 'funny' and moved the dead spider further up the window... but NO it was a new one, a LIVE one! I think the live one is the dead one's mate... how sad "come on mate, get up, it's time to go" :-(

Sarita wants the spiders to be illegal aliens so MAF will come and spray the house (I don't think they are) so that's why it's inside, for studying*. Fraser says it's a silver back spider, but there's no such thing... hence how it got named Gorilla.

On pets:
The neighbours cat, who we called Norman, used to be really friendly, but we haven't seen him since the cocktail party... does anyone know what happened to him?!!! and we used to have a worm called Snake, but I think he got eaten.

*On studying:
I've been doing way too much studying lately, my brain is overflowing with random bollocks (which is essentially what environmental management is all about!). I've also been a real boring pain in the arse to live with, but my flatties have been great. Last night Fraser sat down with my exam notes and highlighted all the important bits for over an hour! How Sweet! :D


At 9/11/06 03:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet Paul will LOVE that new addition!

At 10/11/06 09:29, Blogger Bree said...

hahaha! I bet he will ;p

"They live in the crevices of tree bark, but will frequently wander into homes and vehicles. They are able to travel extremely fast, and walk on walls and even on ceilings. They also tend to exhibit a "cling" reflex if picked up, making them difficult to shake off and much more likely to bite." -wikipedia

At 10/11/06 11:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gruesome. I'll be less twitterpated when this image scrolls off the main page.

At 11/11/06 09:55, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I come back and live with you guys...I miss the house heaps!
Why are there no normal fun people in Wellington...they are all total weirdos!
Actually, you should all move down here...that would be really fun!



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