Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hen's Night

Hahaha... this picture is awesome. Here's Helen receiving her Hen's night gift of a netting g string & bra with tassels... :D

Monday, November 13, 2006

School's Out for the Summer!!

I had an absolutely disastrous last exam, despite all Fraser's amazing highlighting and insightful "Bollocks" annotations. So (even though I might have to repeat the paper) I couldn't bear to keep any whingey environmental bollocks... so I burnt everything.
Including the pages on global warming (on how we should reduce Carbon released to the atmosphere by not burning stuff) and on sustainable forestry.... heh, guess I probably didn't learn much after all!

but YAY!!!!!!!! all over now :D

So bring on the social invitations... I'm ready to wild out!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Meet Gorilla, Schwarzhaus' latest pet (Well technically he should be Fraser's pet cause no one else will come near him unless he's tightly sealed in plastic).

There's a dead spider, by the door, that's as big as Gorilla. (It's there cause Paulo sprayed it till it died -so yes it's been there a week) I came home last night and thought Fraser had been 'funny' and moved the dead spider further up the window... but NO it was a new one, a LIVE one! I think the live one is the dead one's mate... how sad "come on mate, get up, it's time to go" :-(

Sarita wants the spiders to be illegal aliens so MAF will come and spray the house (I don't think they are) so that's why it's inside, for studying*. Fraser says it's a silver back spider, but there's no such thing... hence how it got named Gorilla.

On pets:
The neighbours cat, who we called Norman, used to be really friendly, but we haven't seen him since the cocktail party... does anyone know what happened to him?!!! and we used to have a worm called Snake, but I think he got eaten.

*On studying:
I've been doing way too much studying lately, my brain is overflowing with random bollocks (which is essentially what environmental management is all about!). I've also been a real boring pain in the arse to live with, but my flatties have been great. Last night Fraser sat down with my exam notes and highlighted all the important bits for over an hour! How Sweet! :D

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Alone in Auckland

I'm not really alone, I just liked the alliteration.

Hi all of you over there in Egypt, I'm eagerly watching your blogs to see who's going to post a picture of ya' all first. Mostly cause I'm procrastinating from studying. I had one exam yesterday and it went fine. I have another one next Friday and then I figure I've got 10 days or so to cause mischief and mayhem in OrkLand before you get back. Although Mikey has already told me that I wont be allowed in his wedding if i get so drunk i see Jebus, spoil sport!

Well I have to go to tidy the house for guy fawkes party tonight. Don't worry too much Paulo, after James almost set fire to the house on Wednesday I confiscated his matches. You did get contents insurance, huh?

kisses for anyone reading xxxxxx