Corona Beach Party -Milford
Being a party on the shore, some under-aged drinker just
had to throw a bottle... so instead of finishing at 6pm it was shut down at 5pm and everyone left calmly. That wasn't good enough for the police though, who unleashed a dozen odd policeman to clear out the 3 groups of people and the organisers! Unreal:

Groove in the Park
This year's Groove in the Park was a little different becuase Auckland City Council, being the toss pots they are, wouldn't let it be held in the Domain. So this year we all hung out in Western Springs Stadium. Tim Phin went OFF!! and Roger Sanchez is totally mean! :) Highly enjoyable.

Looks like Dwaynes got horns, huh?

This girl was being a complete muppet... she decided to climb up on the stage, so they stopped the music till she got her arse down... Entertaining though!
Jo's Wedding
Here are some photo's from Jo's lovely wedding. Held at Cassels on Monday 5th Feb. :D

In real life it's almost March... but thanks to the wonders of the interweb I can back date this to whenever the hell I want! I know some of you have been disappointed by the lack of posts lately, and i know I've missed some biggies... my birthday for one! Christmas, New Years... the entirety of January! but NZ summers are just too bloody good to spend inside working on my blogger tan! My sympathies to anyone who’s living through a Northern hemisphere winter… at least you don’t have to look at my posts and be jealous! ;p
Much Love